Meet the Artillery

Bring out the big guns!
When a musket just doesn't cut it, you call in the artillery. These were the weapons that stopped castles being the same type of effective defence that it had been during the medieval period and the group to join if you want to make the most noise on the battlefield.
For safety reasons, the artillery pieces normally have to be placed some distance from the main action but this allows the artillery crew to have a brilliant view of the battle, whilst contributing to the main spectacle by setting off some large bangs. When the situation allows it, the lighter weapons means that the artillery crew are able to move around the battlefield and and move with the rest of the army. Tyldesleys boasts two 'Robinet' artillery pieces that are relatively light and manoeuvrable compared to its larger counterparts. Our regiment’s artillery team fires falconet cannons that are mobile and portable. This means the artillery crew can either work closely with other regiments to form a firing barrage that includes cannons of many different sizes, or move around the field with the rest of the army.
Why join the Artillery?
‘Honestly, it's the big booms that does it for me. I don't think there's many places where you can play with explosives like we do both safely and legally'
Ryan, Artillery Crew
‘We're a tight-knit, well oiled crew who strive for the biggest bangs! We know each job well and we're always lookout out for each other which really helps if we get a new person who joins us to play!'
Steve, Gun Captain