Meet the Living History

There is more to the civil war than just fighting!
The living history team is the backbone of the ECWS and our living history team directly interact with the public showcasing a range of skills to portray civilian life during the seventeenth century. Our members’ skills range from playing the lute, calligraphy and embroidery to wood turning and cooking; there really is the opportunity to showcase whatever takes your interest.
This is an opportunity to interact directly with the public and answer any questions that they might have about civilian life. Whether you already have an idea on what you would like to do as part of the living history team or are completely open to suggestions, the society can help you find the role that is most enjoyable for you. As the living history team are often civilians rather than soldiers, it is an excellent way for children to have a role in our displays.
However, being part of the living history team doesn’t exclude you from taking part in the battle if you did want to do both!
Why take part in the living history?
‘I do woodwork for a hobby but you get to explore really interesting ways of working when you haven't got electrical tools to work with! It's a much more relaxing atmosphere than the battlefield and it's great to have the opportunity to tell people about how life was back then in the 17th century'
Rob, Bodger